Four Firearm Safety Rules
Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
Never point your firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot.
Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
Know your target, and what is beyond it.
Louisville Armory Range Rules
No one allowed beyond the firing line.
Proper eye and ear protection must be worn at all times while in the range. Do not enter the shooting range without your eye and ear protection in place.
No drinks, food or tobacco use allowed in the range.
Keep all firearms pointed in the safest possible direction. You are responsible for every round discharged from your firearm.
All firearms must be loaded at the shooter's bench.
If multiple people are sharing a lane only one person is permitted to shoot at a time.
Every person on a lane that is not the current shooter is required to stand behind the yellow firing line.
When transitioning between shooters leave the firearm on the shooter’s bench, no handoffs.
Jammed firearms must be left on the shooter's bench with the muzzle or barrel pointed down range.
Please notify the staff immediately for assistance. Do not under any circumstance bring a malfunctioned firearm outside the shooting range; Louisville Armory staff will go to the firearm at the shooter's bench.
No firearm will be allowed on the range that is not in safe and working order.
Any person(s) under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to use our facility.
Please report any unsafe conditions or behavior immediately. Any violation of the safety rules could result in immediate expulsion from the premises. We will not tolerate horseplay, rowdiness or carelessness of any firearm at anytime.
No tracer, incendiary, steel-core or armor piercing ammunition will be allowed on the range.
All handguns must be secured in a holster or case.
Rapid fire, shotguns, holster drawing and opening of a lane's bench must be pre-approved by the Louisville Armory staff.
Rifles that are not chambered in .22 LR, 9mm, .40 cal., .45 cal. or 30 carbine must be approved prior to entering the range.
Shotguns must use either Lead buckshot or slugs. No birdshot or steel shot is allowed.
Pregnant women are not allowed in the range due to exposure to lead and the possible health effects.
Minimum shooting age is 8 years old while accompanied by parent or legal guardian.
Any targets brought in by customers must be 23x35.